Facade Assessment


We pioneered the practice of modern facade assessment and repair in the 1970s. Our work investigating landmark facade failures, including New York City’s Woolworth Building in 1977 and Chicago’s Aon Center in 1988, positioned us as a global leader in the field. Today, our company is recognized as a trusted resource for objective and technically sound facade assessment and repair design on both contemporary and historic structures.

One of the unique core strengths we bring to all our work is the technical depth and expertise available from our materials science group in our Janney Technical Center (JTC). Decades of industry-sponsored, leading-edge research and laboratory testing for material durability and performance provides our professionals with the in-house resources necessary to take a holistic approach to problem-solving that's critical to developing comprehensive, cost-effective, and technically sound repair and restoration strategies for building facades of any age, material composition, or construction type. The technical depth of the JTC and hands-on approach to problem-solving that all our company’s professionals take in the field are hallmarks of our organization, whether working from scaffolding or engaging the services of the professionally certified WJE Difficult Access Team to reach facade and domed surfaces that others consider impossible to reach.

  • Facade survey and condition assessment
  • Laboratory and field durability and performance testing
  • Investigation and remediation of uncontrolled rainwater penetration
  • Evaluation of thermal performance and condensation potential
  • Structural analysis, nonlinear finite element analysis, and repair design
  • Cost estimating and capital reserve studies
  • Prepurchase/presale evaluation and condition assessment
  • Repair, rehabilitation, and reclad/overclad of existing structures
  • Adaptive reuse
  • Facade ordinance inspections