Materials Evaluation and Testing


When materials fail, structures can fail or become damaged. Our materials scientists provide comprehensive consulting services for the evaluation and testing of construction materials—both new and old. A full range of services in petrography, metallurgy, microscopy, analytical chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, and physical testing of materials are offered in our Janney Technical Center in Northbrook, Illinois, and in branch office laboratory facilities in Austin, Texas, and Cleveland, Ohio.

The combination of comprehensive materials science expertise with engineering and architectural capabilities uniquely positions and qualifies us to deliver innovative yet sound solutions to construction materials problems. Using state-of-the-art evaluation methods, many of which were pioneered here, our materials scientists have a long history of performing foundational materials-related research and have solved thousands of construction materials problems, answering such questions as “Why did it fail?,” “How can it be fixed?," “How long will it last?,” and "Is it sustainable?"