Seismic Engineering


Effective seismic evaluation and design require a practical understanding of earthquake motions and structure response. Having investigated the performance of structures during numerous earthquakes around the world, our engineers have an in-depth understanding of the seismic behavior of a wide range of structures as well as experience with performance-based designs that achieve the desired seismic response.

As leaders in the study of earthquake engineering, our experts have participated in the development of many of the earthquake engineering evaluation and analysis approaches currently in use and are regularly engaged to provide training on various aspects of seismic evaluation and design. Our strengthening designs have won numerous awards—particularly in the field of historic preservation—and our professionals are experts in seismic performance evaluations that go beyond standard practices and building code requirements.

Our expertise in seismic engineering and materials science is supported by substantial research and testing capability. Our cutting-edge, in-house laboratory facilities can accommodate virtually any construction-related research project, from evaluating the performance of full-size building elements to fatigue and fracture testing of individual structural components. Our solutions contribute to safer structures, limited earthquake damage, and allow clients to quickly return their structures to regular service.

  • Seismic risk assessment
  • Seismic performance evaluation
  • Earthquake damage assessment
  • Peer review of new design and retrofit design
  • Seismic repair and retrofit design
  • Development of seismic guidelines, manuals, and training
  • Assessment and retrofit of nonstructural systems


For more information on seismic ordinances in California, please visit