Our extensive experience in the investigation of problems provides fundamental and unique advantages in foreseeing potential problems during the design and construction phases for new buildings. Our technical professionals draw upon extensive knowledge of design and construction related issues to objectively provide practical technical guidance to help improve the energy efficiency, durability, constructability, and serviceability of their projects.
Our specialized expertise in and knowledge of critical performance issues can be vital to understanding and properly addressing design components less familiar to the design and construction teams. With the design and construction team, we develop practical, cost-effective, and technically sound solutions – routinely tailoring our services to meet the specific needs of a project or client.
During the design phase, we assist in the decision-making process regarding overall technical design, materials selection, and development of details and specifications. During construction, we participate in submittal reviews, on-site quality assurance, and enclosure performance testing to verify that the construction meets the intended design. We work collaboratively with the project team and provide practical recommendations to minimize the potential for durability and serviceability problems to occur before they are constructed and costly to remediate.
We provide real value by contributing the experienced and unbiased perspective of an industry leader in technical excellence and innovation.
- Facade engineering
- Assistance with preliminary design recommendations
- Conceptual sketching
- Sustainable (low carbon) concrete
- Design phase detailing and technical assistance
- Corrosion Assessment and Service Life Evaluation (WJE CASLE™)
- Value engineering studies
- Whole building air pressurization testing
- Bid reviews
- Preconstruction technical review and field testing of mock-ups
- Construction period observation, documentation, and on-site evaluation of contractor quality control
- Code compliance reviews
- Third-party structural peer reviews
- Fitness for service reviews
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