Building owners, managers, contractors, and architects turn to us when they need a firm that fully understands the aesthetic and functional performance requirements for their building enclosure systems. As a leading provider of consulting services for a variety of enclosure engineering and architectural issues, we have extensive expertise and resources to provide comprehensive, practical, and innovative solutions for new and existing facade assemblies and other building enclosure systems.
We have decades of industry-leading research and testing experience with building enclosure materials and systems of all ages, material compositions, and construction types. Our engineers and architects draw on extensive in-house laboratory capabilities in our Janney Technical Center as well as our company’s interdisciplinary knowledge to develop comprehensive, cost-effective, and technically sound repair and restoration strategies for facade, roofing, and waterproofing systems—routinely tailoring our services to meet the specific needs of a project or client.
Our services range from the design of water-tight, energy-efficient, and high-performance building enclosures to the investigation of existing facade and roof assemblies. Our experts combine state-of-the-art testing equipment with decades of hands-on experience in the field to diagnose and solve problems in both contemporary and historic structures, helping clients achieve a successful overall building performance without compromising aesthetic features.
- Laboratory and field durability and performance testing
- Investigation and remediation of uncontrolled rainwater penetration
- Evaluation of thermal performance and condensation potential
- Whole building air pressurization testing
- Condition assessment
- Facade assessment
- Facade ordinance inspections
- Design reviews and construction-related services for new structures
- Structural analysis, nonlinear finite element analysis, and repair design
- Prepurchase/presale evaluation and condition assessment
- Repair, rehabilitation, and reclad/overclad design for existing structures
- Asset management
- Peer review services and construction monitoring
- Roofing and waterproofing
- Facade engineering
Investigation of Water Infiltration and Repairs MORE >Projects | Church of the Saviour
Vibration Control Services and Air Barrier Consulting MORE >Projects | Saint Louis Art Museum
Building Enclosure Consulting Services MORE >Projects | Brigham Building for the Future
Investigation and Exterior Restoration MORE >Projects | New York Public Library
Condition Assessment of Building Facade MORE >Projects | Sears Crosstown
Building Enclosure Commissioning MORE >Projects | Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
Building Enclosure Commissioning MORE >Projects | Moncrief Cancer Institute
Learn about a career in building enclosures at WJE. MORE >Videos | WJE Careers: Building Enclosures