Having investigated and consulted on the fire protection of hundreds of structures, our professionals are experienced providers of fire protection engineering and life safety services for all types of new and existing structures. As leaders in the field, we have participated in the development of many of the codes, standards, and evaluation techniques currently in use in the fire protection industry.
We help clients develop cost-effective solutions to their challenging projects—solutions that meet their aesthetic goals without compromising public safety—for virtually all types of buildings and occupancies. Our fire protection experts identify risks and design safeguards to help prevent, control, and mitigate the effects of fires in new and existing structures. Working with building owners, developers, and architects, we evaluate the life safety and property protection goals of clients to help them protect people, property, and the environment from the destructiveness of fire. We work with local authorities to facilitate approval of clients’ project concepts and designs, saving time and reducing unnecessary expense during construction.
Using the latest techniques, we expertly provide analysis of fire hazards; life safety evaluations; mitigation of fire damage by proper design, construction, arrangement, and protection of buildings; selection of materials, assemblies, and systems; review of industrial processes; the design of fire detection, notification, suppression, and communication systems; due diligence surveys; and post-loss investigation and analysis.
- Fire alarm system design and consulting
- Fire suppression system design and consulting
- Building and fire code consulting
- Structural fire protection and fire resistance design
- Fire protection strategy development
- Code compliance alternatives
- Fire engineering and modeling
- Egress analysis
- Fire/life safety assessment
- Construction period services
- Code development
- Performance-based design
- Fire research and testing
- Combustible facade evaluation
- Product development
- Fire and property loss investigations
- Expert testimony
- Commissioning and integrated testing of life safety systems
View fire protection webinar series
Carl F. Baldassarra, Senior Principal and Unit ManagerWJE Northbrook MORE >People | Carl F. Baldassarra, Senior Principal and Unit Manager
Sprinkler System Evaluation, Fire Test, and Design MORE >Projects | Crosspoint 20/30
This full-scale fire test saved our client approximately $1 million in unnecessary replacement... MORE >Videos | A WJE Case Study: Sprinkler Test
Fire Protection/Building Code Program MORE >Projects | Intro Cleveland (Mass Timber Construction)
Learn about the use of fire tests to achieve building code compliance. MORE >Webinars | Using Full-Scale Fire Testing to Demonstrate Building Code Compliance
Fire Protection and Life Safety Consulting MORE >Projects | Moynihan Station - Phase III
Learn about fire protection and life safety objectives for historic preservation. MORE >Webinars | Historic Preservation through Fire Protection: Comprehensive Approaches for Life Safety in Historic Structures
Third-Party Code Enforcement MORE >Projects | Four Winds South Bend
Codes and standards have evolved to address concerns about exterior wall materials that... MORE >Webinars | Exterior Cladding and Fire Protection: More than Skin Deep
Building Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse MORE >Projects | Old Chicago Main Post Office
Learn about the International Building Code's (IBC) office occupant load factor. MORE >Webinars | New IBC Office Occupant Load Factor: When and How to Use It
Fire Protection Engineering and Code Consulting MORE >Projects | Wintrust Arena at McCormick Place