Rachel Will performs building envelope evaluations and investigations of distressed and deteriorated conditions in existing buildings. She has performed numerous facade inspections, condition surveys, repair design, construction document preparation, and construction observation. Ms. Will’s expertise includes documentation and investigation of building facades with a focus on brick, terra cotta and stone masonry as well as preservation and repair of historic buildings. She has authored/coauthored and presented numerous papers regarding historic masonry.
While attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Ms. Will completed her master’s thesis, which analyzed the effect of ten unique structural building codes on historic preservation projects.
Facade Assessment
- 2345 Lafayette Building - St. Louis, MO: Terra cotta, brick and limestone investigation
- Hall of Justice - Los Angeles, CA: Terra cotta and stone facade investigation
- 202–220 South State Street - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta facade assessment
- Stockyards Bank - Chicago, IL: Brick and terra cotta facade assessment
- Minnesota State Capitol - St. Paul: Stone facade investigation
Repair and Rehabilitation Design
- Old Cook County Hospital - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta and brick facade restoration, window replacement/restoration, and roofing replacement
- The Kimpton Gray - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta and brick facade restoration, window replacement/restoration, and roofing replacement
- Milwaukee City Hall - WI: Terra cotta facade repairs
- 11 South LaSalle Street - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta and brick facade restoration
- 116 South Michigan Avenue - Chicago, IL; Terra cotta and brick facade repairs
- 1200 North Lake Shore Drive - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta brick and limestone facade and window restoration
- Railway Exchange Building - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta cornice and brick facade repairs, roofing replacement
- 120 South LaSalle - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta facade repairs
- Chicago Theatre - IL: Terra cotta and brick facade repairs
- 3500 North Lake Shore Drive - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta and brick facade repairs
- Randolph Tower - Chicago, IL: Terra cotta facade restoration
- Cosden Building - Tulsa, OK: Terra cotta facade repair
- Rose Blumkin Theatre - Omaha, NE: Terra cotta investigation and development of repair details
- Soo Line Building - Minneapolis, MN: Terra cotta and brick facade restoration
- Chicago Athletic Association - IL; Brick, limestone, and cast-iron facade repairs
- William H. Gray III 30th Street Station - Philadelphia, PA: Limestone and brick facade restoration, window replacement/restoration, and cast iron facade restoration
- St. Elizabeths Hospital - Washington, D.C.: Structural analysis and design for rehabilitation of seven historic masonry buildings
- 112 South Michigan Avenue - Chicago, IL: Limestone precast concrete and cast-iron repairs
- 1409 North Dearborn Residence - Chicago, IL: Sandstone facade restoration
Historic Preservation
- Central High School - Little Rock, AR: Structural investigation for Historic Structure Report
- Gateway Arch - St. Louis, MO: Historic Structure Report and corrosion investigation
- Illinois State Capitol - Springfield: Structural investigation for Historic Structure Report
- St. Elizabeths Hospital - Washington, D.C.: Structural investigation for Historic Structure Reports for sixty-nine buildings
- Eisenhower Executive Office Building - Washington, D.C.: Historic preservation specialist for design build team
- Old Courthouse - St. Louis, MO: Historic Structure Report
Professional Affiliations
Association for Preservation Technology - Western Great Lakes Chapter, past president
Association for Preservation Technology International
Construction History Society of America
International Masonry Institute (IMI) – Historic preservation and terra cotta training programs
Landmarks Illinois Skyline CouncilThe Masonry Society - Masonry Standards Joint Committee
School of the Art Institute of Chicago - Instructor, M.S. Historic Preservation program
Professional Engineer in IL
Iowa State University
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 2005
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Master of Science, Historic Preservation, 2007
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