Roofing and Waterproofing


The success of any roofing or waterproofing system depends on well-conceived and well-constructed details. Whether the structure has a low- or steep-slope roof system, a plaza deck with various hardscape elements and water features, or a below-grade foundation system in variable soil conditions under hydrostatic pressure, selecting the right product and its detailing in the context of the project application is critical. Attention to even the smallest detail often can dramatically impact the performance of a roofing or waterproofing system.

Our roofing and waterproofing consultants have reviewed thousands of system failures and have an intimate knowledge of a wide range of roofing systems—from historic clay tile to the latest in green roofs and sustainable design, to plaza decks, and foundation waterproofing systems in positive and negative side applications.

Building owners know the importance of a water-tight structure. Our roofing and waterproofing professionals provide a holistic approach to each project by addressing the roofing or waterproofing system, the supporting structure, and the integration details that tie in with enclosing or perimeter elements.

Our commitment to every project carries through the construction phase. Our roofing and waterproofing consultants work hand-in-hand with contractors to make sure design concepts are met and the building and its contents are protected from the devastating effects of water intrusion.

  • Visual inspections and condition surveys
  • Roofing/waterproofing failure investigations
  • Roofing/waterproofing design reviews
  • Contract documents for repair and replacement
  • Adaptive reuse
  • Field observation during construction
  • Wind uplift testing
  • Roof core analysis and testing
  • Nuclear and capacitance moisture surveys
  • Roof management programs
  • Green roofs and amenity spaces