Carl Larosche joined WJE in 2004 with more than twenty years of experience specializing in consulting services for the preservation and restoration of historic and existing structures. In addition to his preservation work, Mr. Larosche has extensive experience in building envelope, including traditional building materials, as well as current state-of-the-art materials.
Prior to joining WJE, Mr. Larosche was a Principal at Sparks, Larosche & Associates and worked for The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Mr. Larosche's diverse background includes structural design, investigation, and evaluation of existing structures and materials. He has successfully combined his broad construction background with his knowledge of material behavior in existing structures to provide rare insight and knowledge in the area of masonry, concrete, and steel evaluation, including strengthening and repair of these materials.
Exterior Envelope Commissioning
- University of Texas at Austin, Liberal Arts Building: Building Envelope Commissioning services, including review of design drawings and specifications and functional performance testing in the form of air/water infiltration testing at windows and curtain walls
Historic Preservation/Rehabilitation
- Lee County Courthouse (c. 1898) - Giddings, TX: Comprehensive assessment and repair design to address settlement-related distress
- University of Texas at Austin, Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library: Comprehensive assessment, investigation, instrumentation, and restoration design for the building’s tenth floor, terraces, and plaza
Structural Evaluation
- Port of Houston Authority - TX: Condition assessment and repair recommendations for wharf structures
- Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant and Water Reclamation Facility - Tonopah, AZ: Condition assessment for large wastewater treatment plant, including a comprehensive assessment and repair plan
Bridge Engineering
- Bridge Lift at SH 190 and Brand Road - Dallas, TX: Design and consultation with Dallas District Office of TxDOT in raising and sliding multispan bridge back to original location *
- National Highway Institute: Lead instructor and project manager for the bridge maintenance course taught to various state DOTs on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration
Nuclear Facilities
- Seabrook Station - Seabrook, NH: Condition assessment of concrete distress in the protected area of the reinforced concrete walls; distress included spalling and cracking in RHR equipment vaults; inspection was conducted in accordance with ACI 349.3R-02
- Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant - Lusby, MD: Assessment of conventionally cast concrete walls and pilasters; work included development of repair procedures to address voids and honeycombing and construction observations to ensure contract document compliance
* Work prior to WJE
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute (ACI), Fellow
American Welding Society (AWS)
Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI)
AWS Certified Welding Inspector
Professional Engineer in AL, AR, AZ, CO, FL, ID, KS, KY, LA, MO, NC, NJ, NM, OH, OK, TX, and WA
University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, 1993
Master of Science, Structural Engineering, 1999
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