Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace

Virginia D. Murison, AIA |
Honolulu, HI |
Structural Assessment and Condition Survey for a Historic Structure Report
The wood structure of this historic and unique cathedral had deteriorated over time. To address this problem, a preservation plan for structural stabilization was necessary. Any recommended work would have to conform to strict standards based on the historic nature of the building. Additionally, the client requested assistance with the preparation of a historic structures report.
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is reportedly the oldest cathedral in continuous use in the United States. Dedicated in 1843, the building was constructed using wood framing and unreinforced coral stone blocks from the nearby Kaka'ako shores.
In addition to assisting with the historic structures report, WJE conducted a structural assessment of the building that included exploratory openings to review the condition of the concealed structural framing. Based on the findings, WJE developed a repair approach that left the historic fabric intact while reducing susceptibility to termite damage, especially near grade. All work was performed in accordance with The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
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