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WJE designed the rebuild for the Hypochlorite Trenches at the Makeup/Blowdown structures. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Palo Verde Project Receives APWA Award
The awards were presented at the ASCE SF Section’s annual meeting and awards ceremony. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | San Francisco Office Wins ASCE Awards
Manfred Kehrer recently received an ASTM C16 Award of Appreciation. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Kehrer Receives ASTM C16 Award
Crosstown Concourse received Grand Prize for toughest transformation from CNU MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Crosstown Concourse Receives CNU Award
The Hartford Times Building is a historic Beaux-Arts building in central Hartford, Connecticut. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Hartford Times Building Receives Multiple Awards
Elide Pantoli recently received the Outstanding Earthquake Spectra Paper Award. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Pantoli Receives EERI Award
Elsevier, Ltd.'s Construction and Building Award for the Best Paper on the Use of Materials MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Paper Authored by Plemic and Andrews Wins Award
Leistikow received the Kenneth B. Bondy Award for the Most Meritorious Technical Paper MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Leistikow Receives PTI TAB Award
WJE honored with Award of Excellence in Historic Preservation category MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Sherith Israel Receives SEAONC Award
WJE was engaged to develop 100% Construction Document Drawings and Specifications. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Hypochlorite Trench Project Receives APWA Award
The ornate sandstone-clad gatehouse was constructed in 1855 for Mount Moriah Cemetery. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Mount Moriah Cemetery Gatehouse Receives Award
The ACI award is given for outstanding research in the structural concrete field. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Paulson Receives Arthur J. Boase Award