Structural Load Testing


For clients in need of detailed information about the behavior of their structures, we provide accurate, actionable answers through a spectrum of in situ load testing capabilities. In 1956, the Illinois Tollway Authority hired WJE founder Jack Janney to test the strength and effectiveness of prestressed concrete girders, a product that would revolutionize bridge construction. We have continued that legacy of expert load testing since our founding, providing a better understanding of—and better solutions to—clients’ structural challenges.

When structural safety or performance is in question, our on-site structural load testing capabilities can determine structural soundness, gauge damaged conditions or construction deficiencies, and verify effectiveness of repairs and retrofits. Adhering to relevant industry and international testing codes and standards, our engineers conduct field tests to provide clients assurance that their structural components and maintenance equipment meet critical requirements for capacity and design loads. Coupled with extensive analytical resources throughout the company, we offer unparalleled insight into the expected and actual behavior of complex structural systems.

With support from our in-house Janney Technical Center laboratory load testing equipment, our experts regularly perform structural load tests across a spectrum of materials and structure types. Having completed more than 175,000 projects, we continue to employ proven field testing practices to demonstrate the safety and serviceability of new and existing structures and components.

  • Static and fatigue load testing
  • Cyclic load testing methods, including pull-down and push-down methods
  • Load testing of facade access equipment to comply with OSHA requirements
  • 24-hour monotonic load testing
  • Hydraulic ram- and water-loaded testing
  • In situ load testing of double tee beams, slabs, joists, trusses, and other structural members and assemblies