We have participated in the engineering or architectural investigation of many of the United States’ most significant major failures and natural disasters and has assisted in many investigations globally. Thousands of clients have relied on us to accurately determine the cause and extent of damage and repairs needed to restore their facilities to operation. Our experienced structural engineers, architects, and materials scientists have earned a reputation for quickly responding to catastrophic events, frequently arriving on-site the same day as a disaster.
We offer a full range of investigative, analytical, and laboratory techniques to determine the cause and extent of damage. Our extensive in-house laboratories and diagnostic field capabilities include a wide range of equipment and services for structural, architectural component, and materials testing. These resources enable our engineers and architects to better understand how structures and architectural systems respond to extreme events and to develop repairs and replacement systems that meet future performance expectations. We can also assist clients with recovery by providing temporary solutions that quickly return damaged structures to service.
- Cause and origin studies
- Stabilization design
- Damage assessment and documentation
- Facade assessment
- Failure simulation modeling
- Load testing
- Repair and rehabilitation design
- Structural analyses
- Fracture mechanics assessment and fitness for service
- Nonlinear finite element analysis
- Failure prevention
- Expert witness testimony and litigation support
Earthquake Damage Assessment and Repair MORE >Projects | Washington Monument
Post-Earthquake Assessment and Stabilization and Repair Design MORE >Projects | Washington National Cathedral
Fire Damage Assessment MORE >Projects | California SR 91/I-710 Freeway Interchange
Structural Performance Assessment and Damage Documentation MORE >Projects | 2005 Gulf Coast Hurricanes
Structural Investigation and Collapse Investigation MORE >Projects | I-35W Mississippi River Bridge
Collapse Investigation MORE >Projects | Koror-Babeldaob Bridge
Aircraft Reconstruction MORE >Projects | TWA Flight 800
Water Tank Roof Collapse MORE >Projects | Andersen Air Force Base