Ryan Kanagy has more than twenty-one years of experience as a mechanical engineer, including sixteen years providing engineering services for heavy movable structures projects where he has focused on movable bridge machinery systems. His work has covered a range of movable roadway and rail bridge types and vintages and includes the design of new machinery; load rating of existing machinery; preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates; bridge machinery safety inspections; field project engineering; emergency call-out services to troubleshoot, identify, and resolve machinery failures and operational malfunctions; and strain gage drive testing and bridge balancing. Mr. Kanagy is also experienced in construction engineering inspection, including yellow-line review of shop drawings, review of equipment installation procedures, shop inspection, machinery alignment verification, and oversight of system commissioning.
- Bayville Bridge Design - Nassau County, NY: Scoping inspection and rehabilitation design; replacement of span drive machinery, curved and flat treads, and tail lock machinery
- SR 99 Duwamish River Bridges - Seattle, WA: Rehabilitation of west bridge hydraulic system and center locks; rehabilitation of east bridge trunnion girder pins
- Quogue Bridge Design - Suffolk County, NY: Rehabilitation of span drive and span lock systems at double-leaf trunnion bascule bridge
- Burlington-Bristol Lift Bridge - Bristol, PA: Supervision of and involvement with span drive testing, operating rope tension measurements, counterweight rope replacements, and sheave trunnion cracking mitigation
- SR104 Hood Canal Bridge Special Repair - Kitsap County, WA: Rehabilitation to address span drive machinery resonance
- Burlington Canal Lift Bridge Inspection - Burlington, ON, Canada: Condition assessment of machinery for near- and long-term use; rope, gear, and bearing wear measurements and review of component alignment
- Houghton Hancock Vertical Lift Bridge - Houghton, MI: Rehabilitation of tower drive vertical lift bridge; field gear alignment review, gear design analysis, strain gage balance recordings, balance recommendations, rope tension measurements, and indexing adjustments
- Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge - Alexandria, VA: Construction services for new twin double-trunnion bascule bridge; detailed balance calculations for all components
- Union Pacific Freeport Vertical Lift Bridge - Freeport, TX: On-site field support for replacement of main counterweight and operating ropes of span drive vertical lift bridge
- LaSalle Causeway Bascule Bridge - Kingston, ON, Canada: Lead mechanical engineer for comprehensive detailed inspection and secondary mechanical inspection; mechanical and electrical inspection of all machinery systems, bridge utility service, and power and control systems
- Norfolk Southern Bridge 229-50-AGS Vertical Lift Bridge Inspection - AL: Inspection of machinery on tower drive vertical lift railroad bridge; condition assessment of machinery for near- and long-term use
- Angoon Ferry Terminal - Angoon, AK: Review of ferry lift electromechanical cylinders; evaluation of major cylinder internal components supporting ramp loads in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
- Crescent Beach Bridge - St. John’s County, FL: Removal and installation of air buffer machinery on double-leaf bascule bridge; review of contractor’s plans for feasibility and/or compliance to design specifications
- Route 88 Bascule Bridge - Westport, MA: In-depth calculations to minimize bridge imbalance throughout rehabilitation
- Bridge of Lions - St. Augustine, FL: Mechanical engineer for design of new movable span machinery for superstructure replacement of historic double-leaf rolling bascule bridge
Professional Affiliations
Heavy Movable Structures
Professional Engineer in FL, MN, NJ, and WA
The Pennsylvania State University
Bachelor of Science, Engineering Science, 1997
Our knowledge of bridge performance is supported by technical expertise in structural... MORE >Services | Bridge Engineering
We are an industry leader in the design, inspection, and repair of heavy movable structures MORE >Services | Heavy Movable Structures
We engage a full suite of state-of-the-art instrumentation and monitoring capabilities to test... MORE >Services | Instrumentation and Monitoring
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