Nicholas Ozog

Associate Principal


Nicholas Ozog joined WJE in 2016 with ten years of fire protection engineering experience. He possesses experience in building and fire code analysis, existing buildings, property conditions assessments, performance-based design, fire protection system design, fire modeling, risk assessment, and loss control investigations. He has worked extensively on performance-based design and code analyses for a wide range of clients, projects, and occupancies nationwide, including some of the largest hotel chains and healthcare networks in the US. Mr. Ozog has traveled globally and reviewed existing buildings with combustible facade materials to provide reviews and associated risk assessments.

Before joining WJE, Mr. Ozog was a loss control consultant for an insurance agency in Chicago, Illinois, where he provided risk assessments and construction administration services, developed fire protection system criteria, applied NFPA and FM standards to heavy industrial risks, and created loss control programs. He also trained as an underwriter using risk management principles. Mr. Ozog was also previously a fire protection consultant at an international fire protection engineering firm.




Building Code, Fire Code, and Standards Consulting

  • McCormick Place Event Center - Chicago, IL: Development of alternative fire protection concepts for 11,000-seat arena
  • Willis Tower - Chicago, IL: Podium design, life safety, code consulting and concepts for egress with City negotiation for tower repositioning
  • Wolf Point - Chicago, IL: Egress and smoke mitigation plan development and life safety code consulting
  • Willis Tower - Chicago, IL: Tenant buildout and Skydeck redevelopment fire protection engineering; life safety code consulting
  • Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Center for Advanced Care - Chicago: Hospital addition and renovation building code; smoke control and interim life safety plans consulting


Combustible Facade/Facade Engineering  

  • St. Francis Downtown Tower - Greenville, SC: Hospital building enclosure repair and rehabilitation; structural fireproofing and fire-resistant joint system consulting
  • International Residential Building Management/Ownership Group: Review of  existing buildings for combustible facade materials and for potential fire spread risk assessment
  • Buildings - West Coast, US: Evaluation of facade materials, cladding design, and interior fire protection and life safety systems to assess facade fire spread risk
  • Buildings - South-Central US: Existing building metal composite material cladding facade review and building risk assessment


Condition Analysis

  • San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park, Aquatic Park Bathhouse - CA: Property condition assessment with options to increase use of space and maintain historic integrity
  • Healthcare Network – Pacific Northwest, US
  • Petrochemical Facilities - US
  • Paint/Coating Manufacturers - Midwest US


Performance-Based Design/Rehabilitation

  • Old Chicago Post Office - IL: Passive fireproofing and fire protection consultant;  fire testing
  • Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago - IL: Life safety analysis and smoke control analysis for cutting edge patient  treatment/research suites *

 * Indicates with previous firm

Professional Affiliations

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA 1 and NFPA 30, principal
NFPA Technical Committee/Fire Tests (NFPA 285), principal
Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) - Existing Building Task Group
SFPE - Chicago Chapter, board


Fire Protection Engineer in CA
Professional Engineer in IL


Villanova University
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, 2002

University of Maryland
Master of Science, Fire Protection Engineering, 2007