Gwenyth Searer works on projects involving various structural materials, including steel, concrete, timber, masonry, and aluminum. She specializes in building code development and has significant experience evaluating facade access issues and existing claddings, as well as peer review of new designs.
Ms. Searer also has expertise in earthquake engineering and the investigation of earthquake-damaged structures. She has performed linear and nonlinear seismic analyses of concrete shear wall buildings, concrete and steel moment-frame buildings, steel-braced frame buildings, unreinforced masonry structures, and wood structures.
Earthquake Engineering
- Aloha Stadium - Honolulu, HI: Seismic, wind, and gravity-load strengthening of steel-framed stadium structure
- Investigation of damage from several major earthquakes, including Loma Prieta, Northridge, Nisqually (Seattle), Tōhoku (Japan), and Napa
- Seismic assessments of more than 450 structures worldwide
- Yosemite Rangers’ Club - CA: Seismic strengthening of a National Historic Landmark
Facade Access
- One World Trade Center - New York, NY: Investigation of alleged defects in three building maintenance units
- Phillip Burton Federal Building - San Francisco, CA: Design and testing of new facade access system
- Santa Ana Federal Building - CA: Design and testing of new facade access system
- One Bush Street - San Francisco, CA: Assessment of existing facade access system and design/testing of new system
- Mahana Towers - Lahaina, HI: Design and testing of new facade access system
- San Francisco International Airport, Terminal Building - CA: Repair and improvements to facade access systems
- 600 California Street - San Francisco, CA: Design of improvements to existing facade access system
- 50 Fremont Street - San Francisco, CA: Investigation of distressed building maintenance unit
Facade Assessment
- One America Plaza - San Diego, CA: Structural and architectural reclad design for crown of building
- 10th Street Garage - Olympia, WA: Investigation of glass cladding distress
- 888 O’Farrell Street - San Francisco, CA: Aluminum panel rain screen reclad design for twin fourteen-story towers
Failure and Damage Investigations
- Residential Complex - Sacramento, CA: Investigation of distress in button-head, post-tensioned lift slab structures
- Superbay Aircraft Hangar - San Francisco, CA: Investigation of failure in horizontal lifeline
- Clancy Hotel - San Francisco, CA: Investigation of tile cladding failure
- Solus Facility - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Investigation of structural damage from explosion
- Water Reclamation Plant - Palmdale, CA: Investigation of fracturing reinforcing steel
Fire Damage Investigation
- I-5 Tunnel - Los Angeles, CA: Assessment of fire damage to concrete tunnel
- I-710/SR-91 Interchange - Los Angeles, CA: Assessment of fire damage to concrete overpass
- 760 South Vail Avenue - Montebello, CA: Investigation of fire damage to precast concrete walls
Peer Review
- Spring Condominiums - Austin, TX: Structural design review of forty-two-story, concrete high-rise tower
- Temple Lofts - Long Beach, CA: Structural design review of two five-story concrete residential towers
Structural Analysis
- Alexander Dam - Kauai, HI: Design of replacement spillway
- Harmon Tower - Las Vegas, NV: Assessment of structural design
- Prince Kuhio Parking Garage - Honolulu, HI: Design of new vehicle barriers
Professional Affiliations
American Institute of Steel Construction
American Society of Civil Engineers
Structural Engineers Association of California
Structural Engineers Association of Northern California
American Institute of Steel Construction
American Society of Civil Engineers
Structural Engineers Association of California
Structural Engineers Association of Northern California
University of Delaware
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 1992
Cornell University
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, 1994
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