Brian E. Kehoe

Associate Principal


Brian Kehoe is an expert in performing seismic evaluations, conducting design reviews, and designing repairs to structures damaged during catastrophic events, such as major earthquakes. He has assessed structural damage to buildings in the United States and abroad after several major earthquakes. Mr. Kehoe has designed repairs for buildings constructed of unreinforced masonry, wood, concrete, and steel. He has designed seismic bracing for a variety of nonstructural building components.

Mr. Kehoe has expertise in investigating and designing repairs for structures that have been impacted by or have deteriorated as a result of other catastrophes such as fires, corrosion, wood decay, or cracking. He has also performed finite element analyses for structures for wind, earthquake, and other types of loading. He actively participates in committees that develop and update codes and guidelines for seismic evaluation of existing buildings and for the seismic design of new buildings.


Earthquake Engineering

  • FEMA 154, Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings, Applied Technology Council: Member of Project Management Committee developing third edition of guideline document
  • American Samoa Essential Facilities: Seismic evaluation of four essential buildings for the American Samoa Department of Homeland Security
  • US Embassy - Hanoi, Vietnam: Development of seismic design criteria for construction of new embassy compound; collaboration with local geotechnical engineer for site-specific geotechnical data
  • Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial - Washington, D.C.: Assessment of post-seismic damage and recommended repairs


Historic Preservation

  • Alcatraz Island, Guardhouse - San Francisco, CA: Seismic strengthening design for historic unreinforced masonry structure
  • University of California at Berkeley, Faculty Club: Investigation and design of repairs to historic wood-framed building
  • University of California at Berkeley, Giannini Hall: Design of exterior wall concrete repairs
  • White Wolf Lodge - Yosemite Park, CA: Structural evaluation and rehabilitation for historic wood-framed lodge and cabins
  • Tangier American Legation Museum – Morocco: Structural evaluation of settlement and seismic evaluation


Bridges and Civil Infrastructure

  • Guy West Bridge - Sacramento, CA: Analysis and design of suspender replacement
  • Bidwell Bar Bridge - Oroville, CA: Condition assessment of main cables and suspenders for the suspension bridge
  • San Francisco International Airport AirTrain - CA: Condition assessment of concrete and steel box girder structures
  • Oregon City Arch Bridge - West Lynn, OR: Engineer of record for design of shotcrete encasement for historic structural steel arch bridge
  • San Francisco International Airport - CA: Design of repairs for prestressed concrete elevated roadway


Failure Investigation

  • Aircraft Hangar - Napa, CA: Investigation of collapse of large, steel-framed door
  • Conference Center Parking Garage - Fresno, CA: Evaluation of collapse of precast concrete framing and design of repairs
  • Sky Harbor Airport, Rental Car Center - Phoenix, AZ: Investigation of formwork collapse supporting concrete floor framing
Professional Affiliations

American Concrete Institute
American Society of Civil Engineers
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute


Professional Engineer in CA, OR, and WA
Structural Engineer in CA, HI, OR, and UT


Northwestern University
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 1981

University of California, Berkeley
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, 1984